Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Polo Grounds... Station

Stairway to nowhere
 Nestled under the Major Deegan Expressway, this station is practically buried 50 years in the past.  The Sedgwick Avenue Station sits cold and abandoned under the Major Deegan in the Bronx.  Ever since the Polo Grounds Stadium went, demand for the Polo Grounds Shuttle line eventually discontinued, along with the 9th Av El.  This station was just left abandoned and to rot away with time.

These many pictures were taken in November of 2011.
One of the many abandoned cars that lay here next to the station.  Looks like it's at least from the 90s.

One of the many pieces of graffiti that cover this station

What is left of an old entrance in the station.

Many pieces of garbage and also sleeping bags from squatters lay on the old platform. 

Another bricked up entrance at the far back of the station. 

This is what lies under the Major Deegan Expressway.

Someone's pleasure spot... 

A CN (Canadian National) work hat lays on an abandoned piece of track not too far from the station. 

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