Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Hole, Revisited

The Hole has been visited many times before by many people.  I recently stumbled upon "The Hole" on another person's blogspot.  He's got some really great stuff on there.  Anyway, known as "The Hole" this neighborhood lies on the Brooklyn/Queens border and is somewhat 20-30 ft below grade.  When it rains, water tends to stay there and collects, making somewhat of a swamp kind of thing.  The area is kind of weird, besides the fact that its sunken into the ground and all.  Less than a block away you see gorgeous houses that have a lot of property to them, but then you also see these dilapidated houses.  The Hole has been labeled as a "reputed mob dumping ground.  Once nearly 200 bodies were found in a development in The Hole.  Here you will find how The Hole is now, if anything has changed throughout the years.

I honestly have no idea what the thing on the right is.  It sits in an empty lot rusting away.

Street lays flooded.  It stays flooded because this area is technically under street level, so this area has no drains or sewers.  Every time it rains usually a pool of water will collect in various spots.  The water got at least ankle deep.

Ducks make use of the little pond created by previous rain falls.

An old dodge lays on a blocked off, dead end street,

Row of abandoned houses

Here is the inside of one the"abandoned houses." The entire structure collapsed internally, but the exterior is still standing.  In front of the house we came across two dirt mounds and a funky kind of stench.  A man with a shopping cart walked by us and told us not to go inside, as he claimed that he owned this property,
A mini steam roller sits parked in front of a residents house.  Wonder what it was used for... then again what else would it be used for.

A burnt out car sits in front of an abandoned house.

Something seems... out of place here.

Another street is flooded.

Salvation lies outside of The Hole.  You can see how the street level rises as you would get out of this place.

Beware of dog...or cat?  The hole is home to many, many cats that roam around.  We saw a colony take shelter in an abandoned car.

Another abandoned house sits around.

As we walked out of the hole, we saw a couple of cowgirls casually stroll by traffic.

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